The GBA Capital Foundation is an initiative established to support and promote community-focused initiatives that align with our ethics and values. The foundation aims to promote long-term economic growth and prosperity of communities around the world by empowering individuals and supporting organizations that share its vision.

Pledge 1%

Pledge 1% has been adopted by companies across a range of industries, from startups to Fortune 500 companies. It has helped drive significant increases in corporate giving worldwide.

Sydney Film Festival 

Sydney Film Festival introduces and showcases “courageous, audacious and cutting-edge” cinema. The festival has also helped promote cultural exchange and dialogue between filmmakers and audiences from different backgrounds.

Melbourne Knights

GBA Capital is an official Corporate Partner of Melbourne Knights Football Club. Through the Corporate Partnership GBA fosters community engagement and supports all levels of players

NSW Schools Chess Competition

The NSW Primary and Secondary Schools Chess Competitions has a rich history previously sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank and Visy with over 5,000 students participating per year with engagement in regional and rural NSW

Blue Mountains Grammar School

Blue Mountains Grammar School is a co-educational day, providing students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 with an education for life, purpose, and capabilities for success, while offering unique opportunities, nurturing character, and inspiring higher achievement through effort.

Philanthropy Australia

Philanthropy Australia is the national peak body for philanthropy providing advocacy, networking, services and resources to the philanthropic and not-for-profit sector, as well as information and research for the Australian community.